Council of Solace 24-Hour Assistance

The Council of Solace is a group of people at Rosicrucian Park and throughout the world who meditate daily on behalf of others.

The goal of the Council is to bring cosmic help to all those in need of it. It does this by putting certain spiritual energies into motion and directing them in accordance with mystical law and natural principles.

Metaphysical aid is thus directed to individuals who petition the Council of Solace with health, relationship, financial, or other challenges.

The aid of the Council of Solace operates on the cosmic plane. Its activity is solely metaphysical and in no way interferes with any professional or health-care assistance being received on the physical plane.

The aid of the Council of Solace is available to members of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC and also to those who are not members of the Order. Once a petition is entered, metaphysical aid is directed for as long as is needed.

As the work of the Council is generated at a high plane of awareness, it is helpful to attune with this plane through the Celestial Sanctum meditation. The Celestial Sanctum is described in the booklet entitled Liber 777 and available as a podcast.

To list yourself or another person with the Council of Solace, send an email to

Rest assured that metaphysical aid will begin immediately and will continue for as long as needed.